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the Cost of Graduation Invitations

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$ 365
Jun 2008
Brunswick, Georgia
Graduation Invitations
Order early so extra shipping charges don't apply  more... close row
$ 150
Jul 2008
Livingston, Tx
Graduation invitations
Compromise between price and style  more... close row
$ 75
May 2008
West Columbia, Texas
high school graduation announcements and invitations
Wanted the best for child's graduation  more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2007
Arcadia, CA
Graduation letters/Envelopes invitations
50 graduation invitations sent  more... close row
$ 150
Jun 2008
Grad invites 80 count
Graduation invitations are a good keepsake  more... close row
$ 75
May 2008
Auburn, NY
150 graduation invitations  more... close row
$ 86
May 2008
Louisville, KY
graduation announcements
Ordered graduation announcements, invitations, thank you notes  more... close row
$ 150
May 2008
Beaverton, Oregon
High School Graduation Announcements
Graduation announcements expensive for high school  more... close row

Description of service

Back in May of this year, I ordered graduation announcements for my daughter. We received seventy five invitations for $150. This price included return address labels, the folded invitation, cards with raised lettering with her name on them to put inside the announcement, envelopes, and sticker seals to close the envelopes. It did not include any photos to be included or labels to address the envelopes (we printed these ourselves). This was for high school graduation.

Review of Service

The invitations were very nice quality, although the sticker seals were a bit tacky. It would be nice if at least some options were available for each high school, rather than there only being one standard option. Also, the prices are a bit high for what they are. For something specially personalized, fine, but for a high school graduation announcement they seemed a bit pricey. Of course you aren't left with much choice so many pay the price regardless.


One of our biggest mistakes was that we did not make a *really* detailed list of who we would send the announcements to. Make sure you do this so that you get the exact number. It is too much of a pain to order extras after the bulk order, and too expensive as well.

$ 50
Jun 2008
Chicago, IL
Graduation invitations
50 graduation invitations came without envelopes  more... close row
$ 300
Jun 2007
Charlotte, N.C.
Graduation Announcements
Rushed announcements still took two weeks  more... close row