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the Price of Mini Golf

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$ 35
Aug 2008
Columbus, Oh
Daughter was queen of the course on her birthday  more... close row
$ 14
May 2008
Columbus, OH
Mini golf run by teenagers  more... close row
$ 15
Jul 2008
Wildwood, NJ
Room to play on the mini golf course  more... close row
$ 8
Jul 2008
Lake Ozark, Missouri
choice of two courses was fun  more... close row
$ 11
Feb 2008
Louisville, KY
Price for 18 holes of mini golf  more... close row
$ 25
Oct 2007
Wisconsin Dells, WI
All day mini golf pass for son  more... close row
$ 15
Aug 2008
Cleveland, OH
Each hole required a different approach  more... close row
$ 24
Aug 2008
Panama City Beach, FL
Mini golf game for four people  more... close row
$ 7
Jul 2008
Jekyll Island, Georgia
Playing mini golf in the heat  more... close row

Description of service

I went to a local miniature golf. I was given one ball and one club. I actually got to choose my club. I am kinda tall and needed a one with a longer shaft. I also got to choose the color of ball I wanted to use. I was given a small pencil and a card to keep up with the score. I was with a group so we all put our names on the card together.

Review of Service

I fell like the persons running the miniature golf were nice enough. You basically paid your money, got your ball, and the club. Off you went on your own to play. They did not tell me anything particular about the different obstacles. They did not go over the rules. They did not tell you what to do if something went wrong. They basically said, "Just let us know if you need something."


I would recommend going about dusk. It was really hot and the sun was making it sorta hard to see the end of the obstacle. I would also recommend going when there is not a big crowd. We went when there was alot of people and it took a long time to play. It was not like regular golf. In front of us was a group of 8, we were only a group of 4. They did not let us play through. Have fun. Make a game of it, do a little "wagering"

$ 28
Jul 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Four people playing unlimited mini golf  more... close row
$ 8
Jul 2008
Oshkosh, WI
Mini golf course with practice putting green  more... close row
$ 16
Jul 2008
South Yarmouth, MA
Golf course clean and fun  more... close row
$ 10
Jul 2008
West Amwell, NJ
Mini golf course looks more like professional course  more... close row