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the Cost of Personal Loans

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$ 5500
Apr 2008
Tampa Florida
Hard money loans are very expensive  more... close row
$ 0
Mar 2008
Amarillo, TX
Working relationship with the bank helps with loans  more... close row
$ 563
Apr 2008
East Lansing, MI
Loan to take care of expenses for bar exam  more... close row

Description of service

My loan was a supplemental student loan. I am a law student just finishing up and about to take the bar exam. The loan was to take care of bar exam expenses, so it was a private personal student loan as opposed to a student loan through my school. The loan amounted to $7,500 and the interest rate that my bank gave me was 7.5%. So the cost that I reported was $562.50 (rounded up to $563) which represents the interest on my loan at 7.5% x the $7,500. It is tough to tell exactly because I am not sure what the repayment will be. It is set at a 30-year repayment but I have the option to pay quicker, which I am sure I will.

Review of Service

I was happy to be able to get the money. I would not have been able to really make it without it, so I am just happy to have the opportunity to be able to be approved to get the money. I am not happy about paying interest but I would much rather pay 7.5% for a student loan than a higher rate for some other loan. Plus I figure if I can make more than 7.5% on my other money investing it, it makes sense to borrow at 7.5% if I can make 15% on it. Something to think about. All in all, I cannot complain with the loan and was happy with it.


My only tip that I can think of is to take some time shopping around looking for the best rate. Also, take a fixed rate loan and not an adjustable rate one. Just like home mortgages, an adjustable rate student loan will surely rip you off!

$ 545
Mar 2008
Anaheim, CA
Personal loan for personal expenses  more... close row
$ 0
Jan 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Familiarity with bank paid off  more... close row
$ 3069
Jun 2006
Aurora, Colorado
Taking advantage of loan hardship program to delay payments  more... close row
$ 200
Feb 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Two hundred dollar loan for car repairs  more... close row
$ 3500
Mar 2008
Garland, TX
Loan for a medical bill  more... close row
$ 175
Mar 2008
Amarillo, TX
good relationship with bank paid off  more... close row
$ 100
Jun 2007
Mount Pleasant, MI
High interest loan due to low credit score  more... close row