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the Price of Pizza Delivery

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$ 0
Jan 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Free Pizza Delivery  more... close row
$ 15
Aug 2008
Gadsden, AL
Delivery for a summer camp party  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
Rainbow City, AL
Calling in a front porch pizza delivery coupon  more... close row
$ 5
May 2008
Pizza delivery when lazy  more... close row

Description of service

One of last weekends, I got really lazy and simply was not in the mood for cooking, so I ordered some pizzas that were delivered at home. The delivery service was free with the food. I tipped $5.

Review of Service

On one sunday, I really was not in the mood for cooking. Weekends can be really bad for this. I usually wake up late since I try to refill my batteries during this day. So, after wandering a little around the house, I decided to order some food. I looked at some of the options that were available and decided to order pizza. I made the order by the phone and, surprisingly, it was rather easy to do. Unlike some previous experiences, I could order and hang out only in 5 minutes. Since I had already decided on what pizza I wanted, it was easy to order. On other times, I really hadn't choose anything so I started asking things to the guy.

After 30 minutes, some guy arrived at my place with the pizzas. Overall, I was really satisfied with the service. The food was good, the ordering service was good and the delivery time and price was adequate.


Always try to decide on the food that you want before calling them. Check the address and check if they deliver in our home area.

$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
yZL5py <a href="http://hdjbevfowagq.com/">hdjbevfowagq</a&g  more... close row
$ 3
Apr 2008
Dearborn MI
Pizza delivery is very convenient  more... close row