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the Price of Six Months of Car Insurance

Submitted by  
$ 430
Mar 2008
Cedar Springs, MI
Chevy Venture
Full coverage and great service  more... close row
$ 560
Mar 2008
Austin, Texas
$560 every six months for auto insurance  more... close row
$ 717
Mar 2008
Santa Cruz, CA
Pontiac Sunfire & Mazda B2300 Pickup Truck
Reliable service and great agent  more... close row
$ 932
Mar 2008
East Greenville, PA
Honda Accord
Premium tripled after accident  more... close row
$ 519
Mar 2008
6 months of coverage  more... close row
$ 865
Jan 2006
Orange County, CA
6 month premium for one driver  more... close row

Description of service

(Price above is for a 6 month premium)

I think for a person my age (26) with no recent violations or accidents, this was a little steep. I didn't quite look around enough and went with 21st Century as it was a well known trustable company.

This price is for full coverage with a $500 deductible. My record only has one speeding ticket for the year 2000 and this was the best price I was able to obtain from this company. I believe my age has a lot to do with the steep price for myself. I believe those with a more aged record may obtain a better quote.

Review of Service

21st Century's customer service is excellent. I got in a hit and run accident in 2001 and was given prompt and immediate service. The claim went through smoothly and there were no problems or hold ups. I got my rental the following day and they were able to give me a list of body shops that did excellent work. I was able to choose which body shop I wanted to leave my car with. I think giving their customers a choice is excellent.


This company is a good company for someone who has a good (and aged) driving record. I don't recommend it for the younger group as they do charge quite a bit more than other companies if you're younger.

Although I did start off with 21st and had them for over 8 years, I did recently switch to another company as they barely lowered my premium as I got older.

If you can afford a slightly higher insurance and want quality coverage, I do recommend 21st Century.

$ 289
Mar 2008
Kalamazoo, MI
Ford Contour
PLPD is the minimum necessary coverage  more... close row
$ 720
Apr 2008
Amarillo, TX
Chevy Tahoe
Full coverage with a $50 deductible  more... close row
$ 1200
Mar 2008
Hendersonville, tn
We have full coverage insurance on two vehicles  more... close row