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the Price of Gymnastics Classes

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$ 450
Aug 2007
Attalla, Al
Six months of gymnastics lessons  more... close row
$ 24
Sep 2007
Dallas, TX
Beginning Gymnastics
Gymnastics classes need ample instructors  more... close row
$ 150
May 2008
Ashland, KY
Childrens Gymnastics
Monthly fee for twice a week gymnastics class  more... close row
$ 25
Apr 2008
Scottsdale, AZ
adult open gym
Gymnastics instruction did not prevent shoulder injury  more... close row
$ 80
May 2008
West Roxbury, MA
Gymnastics Lessons for Toddlers 18-36 mos.
One month of baby and toddler gymnastics classes  more... close row
$ 25
May 2008
Bedford, PA
Price per week with two classes each week  more... close row
$ 110
May 2008
Brighton, MI
Girls Under-12
8 sessions of gymnastics class in the summer  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
San Fransico, California
Beginner Gymnastics Lessons
Beginning adult gymnastics class  more... close row

Description of service

I recently enrolled in a two hour beginning gymnastics class and the price was fifty dollars for one two hour session. The other price option was thirty dollars per hour. In the lesson I was given hands-on instruction from professional gymnasts and I learned the basics of gymnastics. The lesson was a group lesson with three other adults besides me . There were three instructors total, and the price which I payed payed for the instructors time, the gym fees, and the equipment fees. I was also supplied with some basic gymnastics apparel.

Review of Service

Overall, I was very pleased with my experience with the gymnastics lesson. The instructors were friendly and very helpful and I learned everything that I expected to learn very quickly. The price was reasonable and slightly better than most of the services in the area, and the gym was in excellent condition. I liked how the instructors were very understanding of my needs and difficulties, and I felt that the gym and the equipment that we used was very safe. I would definitely recommend this service to anyone who would like to take up gymnastics, and it is a great way to start.


I do recommend that people should sign up for the group lessons. They are much more affordable and the lesson is still very helpful and personal.

$ 55
Mar 2006
Columbus, Ohio
Daughter really likes gymnastics  more... close row
$ 45
Jan 2008
Houston, Texas
One month of group gymnastics class  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
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