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the Price of Gymnastics Classes

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$ 450
Aug 2007
Attalla, Al
Six months of gymnastics lessons  more... close row
$ 24
Sep 2007
Dallas, TX
Beginning Gymnastics
Gymnastics classes need ample instructors  more... close row
$ 150
May 2008
Ashland, KY
Childrens Gymnastics
Monthly fee for twice a week gymnastics class  more... close row
$ 25
Apr 2008
Scottsdale, AZ
adult open gym
Gymnastics instruction did not prevent shoulder injury  more... close row
$ 80
May 2008
West Roxbury, MA
Gymnastics Lessons for Toddlers 18-36 mos.
One month of baby and toddler gymnastics classes  more... close row
$ 25
May 2008
Bedford, PA
Price per week with two classes each week  more... close row

Description of service

My child is currently enrolled in gymnastics classes at a local gym. The cost is $25 per week and everything is included. She goes for classes twice per week.

Review of Service

I can't recommend this program highly enough. My child and I absolutely loved the program. There was tons of stuff to do, plenty of room, lots of activities. To top it all off the teacher was the best. She made a point at every single class to interact with every kid and parent/caregiver there. This was not always easy because it was always very well attended. They always remembered my child's name. The atmosphere is casual and friendly, the instructors has amazing amounts of energy and they simply adore the children. The staff is professionally trained and the kids love their coaches. The students progress at their own pace, and build confidence and self-esteem as they are doing it. This was a nice experience for my child and I. It allowed them to socialize with other younger children around their own age. It also gave me the opportunity to meet with many other moms, dad, and caregivers.


I would recommend to try and visit a few gyms in your area to see which one you and your child likes best. If your child is on the shyer side than most, probably a more intimate atmosphere might be better.

$ 110
May 2008
Brighton, MI
Girls Under-12
8 sessions of gymnastics class in the summer  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
San Fransico, California
Beginner Gymnastics Lessons
Beginning adult gymnastics class  more... close row
$ 55
Mar 2006
Columbus, Ohio
Daughter really likes gymnastics  more... close row
$ 45
Jan 2008
Houston, Texas
One month of group gymnastics class  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
3s5BMZ <a href="http://ezautplnqgvw.com/">ezautplnqgvw</a&g  more... close row