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the Price of Gymnastics Classes

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$ 450
Aug 2007
Attalla, Al
Six months of gymnastics lessons  more... close row
$ 24
Sep 2007
Dallas, TX
Beginning Gymnastics
Gymnastics classes need ample instructors  more... close row
$ 150
May 2008
Ashland, KY
Childrens Gymnastics
Monthly fee for twice a week gymnastics class  more... close row

Description of service

This service is for gymnastics classes for my eight year old daughter. She has class every tuesday and thursday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. My wife usually drops her off and gets some errands done in the mean time and picks our daguther back up at the end of class which usually runs off a little bit. The cost for this service is $150 a month. This is the fourth month she has been in gymnastics.

Review of Service

Our daughter loves her gymnastics class. She gets excited every day, and on the day she is to go to class, it's the first thing she talks about in the morning. The teachers are really nice, and very educated. They stay calm even when the room is full of twenty to thirty eight year olds. The building is convieniently located in the downtown area of my home town, so it is very easy to get to, only about a ten minute drive from home.


We asked around at our daughter's school for the best place to go to. They recommended several places and we chose the closest one to us. You can also check the internet for places around you, and you can also find reviews online.

$ 25
Apr 2008
Scottsdale, AZ
adult open gym
Gymnastics instruction did not prevent shoulder injury  more... close row
$ 80
May 2008
West Roxbury, MA
Gymnastics Lessons for Toddlers 18-36 mos.
One month of baby and toddler gymnastics classes  more... close row
$ 25
May 2008
Bedford, PA
Price per week with two classes each week  more... close row
$ 110
May 2008
Brighton, MI
Girls Under-12
8 sessions of gymnastics class in the summer  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
San Fransico, California
Beginner Gymnastics Lessons
Beginning adult gymnastics class  more... close row
$ 55
Mar 2006
Columbus, Ohio
Daughter really likes gymnastics  more... close row
$ 45
Jan 2008
Houston, Texas
One month of group gymnastics class  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
3s5BMZ <a href="http://ezautplnqgvw.com/">ezautplnqgvw</a&g  more... close row