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the Price of Checking Accounts

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$ 0
Apr 2008
Boiling Springs, SC
regular checking
Bank with very helpful services  more... close row
$ 12
Jun 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Basic checking account with many limits  more... close row
$ 18
Feb 2008
Houston, TX
Fee for one time services  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
North Brunswick, NJ
Great services from free checking account  more... close row
$ 0
Sep 2007
Alameda, CA
Direct Deposit Checking Account  more... close row
$ 0
Jan 2008
Canton, Michigan
New checking account with no minimum balance  more... close row
$ 4
Jan 2008
Greenwood, IN
Checking account with a credit union  more... close row

Description of service

I have a checking account with a credit union. I have to pay for checks, and many other services. I've had this checking account for the last two years and more.

Review of Service

I've had this checking account for as long as I've had any checking account. I pay a $4 monthly fee with direct deposit. I have to pay for checks, unless I want boring ones (I usually choose those). This checking comes with several features. I have a debit card, free online transfers, and my choice of several other options. I can have my purchases rounded up to the next dollar and the difference put in savings. I can use my debit card as a visa, and i get a percentage cash back yearly. It's usually at least $90. The main reason I go with this bank is the excellent service I've received. I had my debit card stolen once, and the money taken was replaced in my account right away, with no big hassles. There are local branches that I can go to whenever I feel like it.


I would suggest choosing your bank account carefully. A free account looks great, but often has a hidden catch. Service and reputation are important in a bank. In a credit union, you can often also get a variety of products all serviced by the same people.

$ 0
Apr 2008
Fayetteville, NC
Another free checking account  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
Kennebunk, ME
Checking with ATM
Basic checking account with ATM benefits  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2006
Tewksbury, MA
free interest checking
Free checking with interest  more... close row
$ 6
Mar 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Basic checking account with increasing fees  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
North Brunswick, NJ
Absolutely free of any charge checking account  more... close row