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the Monthly Cost of Car Insurance for one Car

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$ 163
Nov 2007
Northeast Arkansas
Full coverage auto insurance on one vehicle  more... close row
$ 98
Apr 2008
Holbrook, New York
Hyundai Elantra
Low rate but can't pay by credit card  more... close row
$ 45
Apr 2007
Lincolnton, NC
Ford Taurus
Cheap car insurance feels like winning the lottery  more... close row
$ 56
Apr 2008
Venice, FL
Chrysler Town & Country
Happy with inexpensive car insurance  more... close row
$ 73
Apr 2008
Cherry HIll, NJ
Pontiac Grand Prix
$500 deductible and uninsured motorist coverage  more... close row
$ 144
Sep 2007
San Antonio, Texas
Chrysler, Sebring
Cheapest coverage because of in-depth questions  more... close row
$ 150
Mar 2008
Willow Grove PA
Full torte car, renters and life insurance  more... close row
$ 108
Mar 2008
Lake Geneva, Wi
Online car insurance for new car  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
szxNLB <a href="http://tnltnczdqqpm.com/">tnltnczdqqpm</a&g  more... close row
$ 234
Mar 2008
Full coverage insurance with bad service  more... close row

Description of service

I pay 234 dollars a month for full coverage insurance on a 2004 four door sedan. I am only 21 years old and have only one ticket. This also includes uninsured motorists for 5 extra dollars a month.

Review of Service

I have had many problems with this company, but I have stayed with them because this is the cheapest I have found and I think what I am paying is already way to much for car insurance. Considering its almost as high as my car payment.

The first problem is my payment is suppose to be taken out of my account every month, for the first six months I had problems with them doing this then they were trying to charge me late fees when it was there fault.

Also, every time i try to contact them with a problem they talk to me like I do not understand what I am talking about. They are always hateful and seem like the do not want to help.

Lastly, I had someone had hit my car at a restraunt and nothing was wrong with either car, but the people and the police were trying to say that their was something wrong with both cars. So when I turned it into the insurance they never contacted me back so I continued to call them and they said that they would contact me back. Well, six months later they called to come look at my car, and that was three months ago and I havent seen nor heard from them since.


Always shop around for different prices. But check what your paying for becaus esometimes the cheapest is not the best. Read everything before you sign it and try and get opinions from other customers. Because I think as much as I am paying I should get better service but I am stuck in a contract with them until August. So read every little detail before you sign them papers!

$ 100
Apr 2008
southgate mi
No fault insurance  more... close row