Description of service
Baby sitting is a very popular job amongst teenage girls. Its sometimes the only job they can get because of their age. So a lot of times baby sitting is a teen age girls first job. There is no "set price" You could always pay them minimum wage if you are unsure, but usually you just pay them what you think its worth depending on how long you were out and how many children the baby sitter cared for. Typically, if you have a few small children and you want to go out for the night, maybe three or four hours, I would think that $20 is a fair price, of course you could always give them a little extra if you wanted to.
Review of Service
The baby sitters that I have used really came in handy when I needed them and done a very good job, they want to do more baby sitting for you, so of course they try their very best to do a good job and do whatever was expected of them.
It can sometimes be hard to find a sitter, ask around. Ask some of your friends that have small children and see who they use to sit with their kids. Thats the best way to find a good sitter!
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