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the Cost of Law School

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$ 35000
Mar 2009
Denver, Colorado
Law School
Cost for one year of law school  more... close row
$ 38800
Jul 2009
Charlottesville, Virginia
Law School
Tuition and fees for in-state law student  more... close row

Description of service

The above price reflects tuition and fees (only) for an in-state (Virginia) resident. Tuition for an out-of-state resident would be higher: $43,800. In addition you can expect to pay $1,800 for books and supplies and $17,400 for room and board (if you select to use their housing options). Students attend law school for three years. Scholarships and loans are available to assist with tuition expenses.

Review of Service

Law schools are NOT created equal. This particular law school is ranked (by various criteria and organizations) as either 10th or 11th in the country. Nine months after graduation, 99% of 2007 graduates are employed. The mean LSAT score of students is 170. The caliber of faculty is extremely high and the law school has an excellent record of job placement. Of 367 candidates graduated in 2007, 175 found job their first years with top 100 ranked law firms in the U.S.


Good colleges and universities share important information about their services quite openly on their websites. Check for a "facts and statistics" page and look at their employment information. At a practical level, a law school is best measured by the employment success of its graduates. Although 2009/2010 will be particularly hard years for everyone for employment, the schools with better employment track records are still a better bet.

Schools select candidates who in essence reflect their own ranking. So the best schools accept only the best candidates, typically as measured by their LSAT score. Go to the best school you can get into for YOUR LSAT score -- and afford. But remember, student loans are still available and have a low interest rate and generous repayment period. Partial scholarships are also available.

You will generally be charged a lower tuition if you go to schools in your state of residence. Start your law school search near home!

$ 24740
Dec 2007
Denver, Colorado
Law School
Price per year of law school  more... close row
$ 65000
Jan 2008
Austin ,Texas
Law school is extremely overpriced  more... close row
$ 49500
May 2006
DeKalb, Illinois
State supported law school
Complete law school education  more... close row
$ 35500
Mar 2008
Denver, Colorado
accredited law school
Law school prepares one to be a prosperous lawyer  more... close row
$ 30000
May 2008
Lincoln, NE
Law School
Three years of in-state tuition  more... close row
$ 50000
Apr 2008
Cambridge, Massachusetts
law school
First year of law school tuition  more... close row
$ 38400
Dec 2008
Anniston, Alabama
Online Law school
Law school program is completely online  more... close row
$ 108250
May 2008
East Lansing, MI
law school
Three years of tuition for law school   more... close row
$ 7000
Jan 2009
Dartmouth, MA
Non-ABA Law School
One semester of tuition for non ABA accredited law school  more... close row
$ 21103
Aug 2008
Washington, DC
Top 20 law school; price represents a semester's tuition
One semester of law school  more... close row
$ 56000
Jun 2007
Tempe, AZ
Law school prepared me for the bar exam  more... close row
$ 90000
Aug 2008
Columbia, Missouri
Law School
Three complete years of law school  more... close row
$ 10000
Mar 2008
New York City
One year of law school for son  more... close row
$ 9000
Sep 2007
Austin ,Texas
Law at a state university  more... close row