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the Price of a Divorce Lawyer

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$ 1000
Mar 2008
Charlotte, N.C.
Reputable attorney came with recommendation  more... close row
$ 800
May 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Lawyer dealt with the ex and ex's lawyer  more... close row
$ 100
Sep 2007
cleveland, ohio
Cheap but good lawyer for divorce  more... close row
$ 150
May 2008
London, KY
Attorney to review divorce documents  more... close row

Description of service

I hired an attorney to review some documents relating to my divorce/custody issues. There was no trial work involved and only the smallest amount of research.

Review of Service

The attorney I hired was a great guy, very friendly, likeable, appeared trustworthy. He looked over all of my documents, advised me of my options in regard to signing the documents and what the repercussions of signing those documents would be. I felt like I received good advice. He even went to so far as to explain the reasoning behind the local rules established by my county and state and provided me with a child support guideline table so I would be able to monitor whether or not my income changed enough to qualify for a change in support income.


I would suggest that you call around and shop prices. Unfortunately, the cost of good representation is often high but remember in most cases you get what you pay for. I had first spoken another guy who met with me all of 10 minutes and glossed over everything then charged me $50.00. I didn't even understand half what he was saying. The attorney I ended up retaining cost me more but I definitely got more out of the consult he gave. I came away from that appointment with a better understanding of how the legal system works and also, what to look for in a competent lawyer.

$ 800
Jun 2008
Springfield, MO
Flat fee for uncontested dissolution of marriage  more... close row
$ 1350
Nov 2006
Las Vegas,NV
Happy with the divorce being over  more... close row
$ 750
Apr 2008
Jonesboro, AR
Lawyer for fairly simple divorce  more... close row
$ 7706
Feb 2007
Cherry Hill, NJ
Experienced divorce lawyer was needed  more... close row
$ 2000
Aug 2007
Syracuse, NY
Lawyer for overwhelming divorce  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
PG7u7p <a href="http://xrogqrzovzam.com/">xrogqrzovzam</a&g  more... close row
$ 950
May 2006
Huntington, WVa
First time ever having to deal with a lawyer  more... close row
$ 18500
Jan 2006
Divorce lawyer helped father get custody  more... close row
$ 3500
Mar 2006
Tampa, Florida
Find out if lawyer has payment plan  more... close row