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the Cost of Logo Redesign and Upgrade

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$ 300
Jan 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Logo made for company softball team  more... close row
$ 90
Feb 2008
Kalamazoo, MI
Hourly charge for new logo design  more... close row
$ 25
Oct 2007
Burleson, Texas
Price per high quality logo or design  more... close row
$ 500
Jan 2007
St. Louis, MO
New logo for small business accounting firm  more... close row
$ 105
Dec 2007
Indianapolis, Indiana
Hard copy of logo turned into electronic file  more... close row
$ 75
Apr 2008
Warren, AR
Prize for best logo for new business  more... close row
$ 25
Apr 2008
Carmel, Indiana
Low Res logo turned into high res logo  more... close row
$ 200
Feb 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Graphic designer to rework t-shirt company logo  more... close row
$ 62
Dec 2006
Westfield, Indiana
Business logo in many different formats  more... close row
$ 125
Jan 2008
Lansing, Michigan
Basic logo for political campaign  more... close row

Description of service

The service was the design of a basic logo for a recent political campaign that I participated on. The logo was a small one (aprox. 2x2 inches) for uses on all letter-head and communication for my campaign. The logo was simple but stood out at the same time. It was blue and white with black ink. The $125 fee represented design of the actual logo. Any stationary and signs, and printing, etc. was my responsibility on top of that.

Review of Service

Overall, I was pleased with the design. It was very professional-looking and did the job. I am a total idiot with anything related to graphic design, so it certainly wasn't something I could have done by myself. That being said, I thought it was a bit pricey for what I got, and my campaign was certainly strapped for cash. I have college friends that probably could have done the same thing for a case of beer, so if I could have done it all over again, I likely would have gone that route.


Playing off of what I mentioned above, my best tip would be to ask around amongst your tech-savvy friends. Graphic design can get rather pricey for some pretty simple logos. In today's world, chances are you have a friend that can do a pretty darned good job for free.

$ 440
Mar 2008
Buford, GA
New logo for retail business  more... close row
$ 70
Dec 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Working initials into the logo  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
pvcIKA <a href="http://asslwbbytyfl.com/">asslwbbytyfl</a&g  more... close row