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the Price of Henna Tattoos

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$ 75
Aug 2008
Ithaca, NY
4 x 5 inches
back of hand and fingers
Beautiful henna tattoo on hand  more... close row
$ 6
Aug 2008
Columbus, OH
4 x 4 inches
palm of hand
Extremely relaxing henna tattoo  more... close row

Description of service

While attending a local Asian festival, I decided to have a henna tattoo placed on my palm by one of the many henna booths present. I chose the one that was the cheapest. The woman who was doing the tattoos was really friendly. She was also very quick and efficient at applying them. She gently washed my hand and towel dried it. She mixed up the tattoo liquid and had me pick out the pattern I wanted from the four she offered. She then deftly placed the design on my palm.

Review of Service

This was a relaxing almost meditative experience. It was over very quickly--like maybe 10 minutes tops--but I just loved it. I actually bought a henna tattoo kit from this woman after the experience so that I could make my own tattoos at home. She was gentle and quiet and was playing soothing music while she worked. I loved the results too. All the dots and swirls and lines just looked so cool. The tattoo lasted about 2 weeks too, which was longer than I expected.


I was a little nervous doing this at a fair, which is why I chose the cheapest one there; however, I was VERY pleased with it and would do it again. I would suggest this to anyone who is interested in getting a henna tattoo. Its a great way to try it and have someone else do it. Its pretty cheap too. The most expensive one there was only $10.00.

$ 1500
Dec 2008
San Luis Obispo, CA
Full hands and feet
Henna tattoos for an entire wedding party  more... close row
$ 20
Aug 2008
Los Angeles, CA
2x3 inches
right foot
Beautiful henna tattoo on foot  more... close row
$ 20
May 2008
Clearwater, Florida
2 inches by 2 inches
Tattoo was large and dark for the price  more... close row
$ 17
Jun 2008
Delaware, OH
Full Hand Tattoo
Price per person for a henna tattoo party  more... close row
$ 100
Aug 2008
Fort Smith, AR
About a square foot
Middle of back.
Henna tattoo lasted two weeks on back  more... close row
$ 65
Jan 2009
Buffalo, NY
Angel henna tattoo in a beauty salon  more... close row
$ 60
Jun 2008
Lexington, KY
4 inches by 2 inches
Henna tattoo at a local tattoo shop  more... close row
$ 35
Apr 2007
2 inches by 3 inches
upper back shoulder
Disappointing henna tattoo by distracted artist  more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2008
Orlando, FL
A fun practice tattoo on my shoulder  more... close row
$ 15
Dec 2008
Irvine, California
Lower Back
Henna tattoo of shooting stars on lower back  more... close row
$ 50
Jan 2009
Orem, UT
8 inches across
lower back
Henna tattoo on lower back  more... close row