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the Price of Immigration Lawyers

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$ 3500
Feb 2008
Miami, Florida
Immigration lawyer  more... close row
$ 150
Aug 2006
Birmingham, AL
Consultation for attorney to get student visa  more... close row
$ 6000
May 2008
Salt Lake City, Utah
Attorney was adept and competant  more... close row
$ 1500
Jun 2007
Westminster, CA
Spouse becoming legal permanent resident  more... close row
$ 1550
Jun 2008
Huntsville, Alabama
Adjustment of alien status  more... close row
$ 2100
Jan 2007
Riviera Beach, FL
Helped fill out immigration forms  more... close row
$ 13000
Jan 2006
Hawthorne, CA
Immigration Lawyer just keeps charging fees  more... close row
$ 1500
Apr 2007
San Diego, CA
Helping Canadian stepmother become a citizen  more... close row
$ 895
Mar 2008
Norfolk, NE
Immigration lawyer costs too much money  more... close row

Description of service

Immigration Lawyer to apply for Legal Residency - $895.00

Service included OBTAINING correct forms, helping fill out the forms, answering questions, contacting USCIS.

Review of Service

Although the Lawyer was professional and somewhat informative, it was not a good value for my money. Looking around for Immigration Lawyers was a hard task in itself because local people do not seem that knowledgeable about Immigration Laws etc. The quality of the service was good, but very drawn out. Getting forms from USCIS is something that you can do on your own, so is filling them out. Due to intimidation from USCIS a lot of people use Lawyers to avoid the stress and confusion of Immigration Laws and the whole Immigration Process. However, after speaking to others who have done the process on their own, they became Legal Resident's quicker and that it was less expensive. These people also assured me that it was not that hard to do it on your own. Lawyer fees only include their services, not the additional form fees. My Lawyer did not inform me of these fees for the first couple of consultations with him.


If you are limited on money I would recommend doing this on your own. For myself and my two children our Immigration Form Fees were $2000.00, plus we paid an additional $895.00 in Lawyer fees. Do not let the forms intimidate you, they really are not that hard to figure out. I would recommend looking on the USCIS website before contacting a Lawyer.

$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
lsHZLa <a href="http://slsacewxxpqc.com/">slsacewxxpqc</a&g  more... close row
$ 0
Jun 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Initial consultation hour with the lawyer is free  more... close row