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the Price of a Landline with Unlimited Long Distance

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$ 64
Mar 2008
Braintree, MA
2 telephone landlines  more... close row
$ 40
Mar 2008
Denver, CO
Digital home phone service with our cable provider  more... close row
$ 50
Mar 2008
Norfolk, Nebraska
Basic Telephone service with unlimited long distance  more... close row
$ 30
Mar 2008
Shinglehouse PA
Unlimited calling and free 800 number  more... close row
$ 30
Mar 2008
Fargo, ND
Unlimited local and long distance  more... close row
$ 72
Apr 2008
Sharon MA
Switching landline services saves money  more... close row
$ 33
Apr 2008
Deroit, MI
Landlines getting much cheaper  more... close row

Description of service

Having a land line phone in your home is very inexpensive now days. A lot of people are letting go of their home phone service because everyone is using their cell phones as their primary phone, and the phone companies know this. If you call your local phone company you will see that most of them have deals and price plans available. My local phone company is also my cable and my internet provider, so I have what they call a package deal. My phone, cable T.V. and Internet costs me $33 each per month or just about $100 total per month. That includes unlimited long distance! That is a very good deal, especially if you have a lot of family and friends out of state that you call on a regular basis. Most states and cities have the same kind of deals. Call your cable company, chances are they also provide phone service.

Review of Service

I am very pleased with my services that I receive from my land line pone provider. I have been with them for two years now. They are an excellent company and I would not want to be without a land line phone.


Call your local phone and cable company. Your best bet is to get a package deal. If you are already paying for cable T.V., phone and internet service separately, you are probably paying too much. Call around and see what kind of deals you can get. Also, tell each company you call what the last company quoted you, most of the time they are happy to meat any prices, especially if it means that they will get your business!

$ 51
Mar 2008
Norfolk, Nebraska
Good landline and long distance service  more... close row
$ 20
May 2008
Boiling Springs, SC
Haggling with telephone company  more... close row