Description of service
An average daycare facility for infants up to age three cost approximately, $145 a week. However, this is just the price for sending one child for eight hours a day, two times a week. The daycare is not an advanced or "higher learning" type of daycare but simply a place parents can take their children while they work. The daycare facility my nephew goes to requires that the weekly fees for each child be paid at the beginning of each week and if your child does not attend the daycare for all of the days you pay for, you lose out on that money even though no services are rendered that day.
Review of Service
The cost of the daycare services are high and you cannot receive a refund or a credit for the following week if your child does not go the number of days you pay for each week. Therefore, if you child is sick or does not need to go to the daycare for whatever reason, you have lost the money for that day's services.
When leaving your child at any daycare or babysitting service, make sure you know the people or have references for the people that will be watching your child. Other services may cost more, but if they are more reputable, it will be worth the safety of your child.
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