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the Price of Language Schools

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$ 100
Jul 2008
Birmingham, AL
Arabic classes for half-Jordanian son  more... close row
$ 220
May 2008
New York, NY
American Sign Language
Six weeks of classes at two and a half hours per week  more... close row

Description of service

Six weeks of language instruction; One 2.5 Hour class per week. Focused on becoming more proficient in the language, the culture, idioms, etc.

Review of Service

Instruction out of textbook, included cultural as well as linguistic tips. Class size was around 7-20 during various semesters. For language classes, small classes are better. But too small can mean too much at once with teacher/student interaction (this is a stress level thing...if you're taking the class for fun, do you want to be hounded for answers for hours on end?) On the other hand, you may want to be in an intensive class, if you're intent on getting fluent QUICK. Think about it all.


Ask to speak with the person who runs the school before committing to a class. Check out other schools, prices, talk to students in classes currently. Ask for curriculum, if you'd like. Also, make sure that other students are as motivated as you are.

Prices for tutoring will run much higher than large classes, but it is important to realize that if you want to get better, you may want or need to take tutoring sessions to get to your desired level of proficiency. Make sure you check with the administrators, then, to see if they have tutoring available and how much it is.

$ 150
Jan 2008
Chicago, IL
Six week beginning conversational Italian class  more... close row
$ 25
Feb 2006
Cleveland, OH
Price per hour for introductory Portuguese lessons  more... close row
$ 3650
Jul 2008
Austin, Texas
English Language learining center  more... close row
$ 450
Apr 2008
New York, NY
Twelve week Arabic classes  more... close row
$ 525
Mar 2009
St. Louis, MO
Six weeks of Italian classes  more... close row
$ 220
Aug 2009
san diego , CA
Learned indi in preparation for trip to India  more... close row
$ 150
Mar 2008
Louisville, KY
Three month Japanese class was too short  more... close row