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the Price of a Perm

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$ 135
Jun 2008
Huntington, WVa
Perm for oldest daughter  more... close row
$ 120
Jan 2008
Tampa, Florida
Hair turned out beautifully after a perm  more... close row
$ 79
Apr 2008
Rainbow City, AL
20% off special on perm  more... close row

Description of service

It cost a total of $79.00 for a loose perm and style. The perm and style was $69.00 and the tip was $10.00.

Review of Service

I live in Alabama, which is extremely humid in the summer time. Because my hair tends to be frizzy in the humidity, my stylist suggested that I perm my hair. They had a 20% off special, so it was a great time to try something new. My hair is long and thick, so it took over three hours to complete the process. I was worried that adding ore chemicals to my colored hair would cause damage, but the stylist assured me that everything would be fine. She was right, my hair is still healthy. Having wavy hair in our weather makes it much easier to control and takes less time for me to style. I am very happy with the outcome and feel that the price was good.


I have a little natural wave in my hair and have had perms in the past, so I knew what to expect. I would suggest suggest having a consultation with your stylist with before deciding on a new chemical treatment. she is experienced and should know If your hair will except the treatment.

$ 125
Apr 2008
Tupelo, MS
Perm on very long hair  more... close row
$ 65
Dec 2007
cleveland, ohio
Perm plus styling and trim  more... close row
$ 75
Mar 2008
Chicago, IL
Perm caused hair to be very frizzy  more... close row
$ 95
Jul 2008
Ashland, Ky
Spiral perm and trim  more... close row
$ 100
Aug 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Hair perm plus trim and tip  more... close row
$ 120
Jan 2007
Tyler, TX
Perm did not work because of hair texture  more... close row
$ 85
Jan 2008
Kingston, Ma
Price including tip for haircut  more... close row
$ 45
Aug 2008
Keyser, WV
Haircut perm and blow dry  more... close row
$ 55
Jul 2008
Perm was shiny with good texture  more... close row
$ 85
Jan 2008
Jefferson City, Missouri
Stylist did not listen to requests for wave perm  more... close row
$ 60
Jun 2008
Full head perm including tip  more... close row