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the Price of Karate Classes for Kids

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$ 150
Apr 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Strict Dojo master teaching son a lot   more... close row
$ 90
Jun 2008
Randolph, ME
Monthly price for great karate teacher  more... close row
$ 30
Jun 2007
Tampa, FL
Karate lessons
Emphasis on self-protection   more... close row
$ 75
Apr 2008
Tampa, Florida
Weekly karate class for son  more... close row
$ 75
Feb 2008
Karate good antidote to video games  more... close row
$ 250
May 2008
Los Angeles, CA
A summer of karate classes for son  more... close row
$ 50
Jul 2008
Mostly male karate class for daughter  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
BnoxNn <a href="http://jwhrdyfkkicr.com/">jwhrdyfkkicr</a&g  more... close row
$ 7
Sep 2008
Statesville, NC
Discipline and defense learned in karate class  more... close row

Description of service

I enrolled my son for beginner classes for Karate. Classes are once a week, after school. Uniforms are avialable but we have not recieved my son's yet.

Review of Service

After 1 month of classes, my 5 year old son is learning discipline, as well as defense. He enjoys the extra activities and having the extra time with friends. I have also noticed that he has become more willing to listen in school. It is teaching him respect as well. I have found that the center is laid back with the younger students, but more structured for the older children. The Master is very kind and patient with all of the children. But always seems to get thier attention. He speaks to me very professionally and with much respect. These are qualities that I want for my son to model. And when you are involving a child in a program like this, that is exactly what you want for him to see.


It helps to pre-pay for the classes a month at a time. However, they do offer a weekly payment plan. I would also buy a pair of cotton pants as well as a loose cotton t-shirt for them to wear thier first few weeks. If your child decides that this is something that they want to continue, you can always buy the uniform after they commit to the classes. Check out the center at all times of day. Have discussions, or interview, the Master before hand and let your child meet him/ her ahead of time. This will let you know if there will need to be an adjustment period. If your child wants to go forward, find a way to see it through. They will enjoy the structure and you will enjoy the excitement in thier eyes.

$ 85
Sep 2008
Talent, OR
Koden Kan Jitsu Karate
One month of karate classes for son  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
Livingston, Tx
Karate teaches self-confidence  more... close row