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the Price of Karate Classes for Kids

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$ 150
Apr 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Strict Dojo master teaching son a lot   more... close row

Description of service

This service is for my ten year old son to take Karate classes at a local dojo near my home. I pay $150 a month, and my son goes to karate classes once a week, and when he has tests or shows or whatever, he goes twice a week. Usually on thursdays and or saturdays. The class is two hours long each time. His karate outfit costs just over $20 but that is a one time fee. Each time he levels up they give him a different color belt at no charge.

Review of Service

This is a great service and really teaches my son a lot. The dojo master is kind to me and my wife, but is very strict with my son, which I like. He is learning self decilpline and how to defend himself, both things that I have had a hard time teaching him. He has been going for just under a year now, and my son has been in no fights, so I feel that this service does not make him more aggresive.


If this is for you child, you may not want to make a long commitment until you see if this is something that he or she will like. If it is for an adult, shop around and see who offers the best services at the best price.

$ 90
Jun 2008
Randolph, ME
Monthly price for great karate teacher  more... close row
$ 30
Jun 2007
Tampa, FL
Karate lessons
Emphasis on self-protection   more... close row
$ 75
Apr 2008
Tampa, Florida
Weekly karate class for son  more... close row
$ 75
Feb 2008
Karate good antidote to video games  more... close row
$ 250
May 2008
Los Angeles, CA
A summer of karate classes for son  more... close row
$ 50
Jul 2008
Mostly male karate class for daughter  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
BnoxNn <a href="http://jwhrdyfkkicr.com/">jwhrdyfkkicr</a&g  more... close row
$ 7
Sep 2008
Statesville, NC
Discipline and defense learned in karate class  more... close row
$ 85
Sep 2008
Talent, OR
Koden Kan Jitsu Karate
One month of karate classes for son  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
Livingston, Tx
Karate teaches self-confidence  more... close row