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the Cost of Funeral Homes

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$ 5000
Mar 2008
Klamath Falls Or
Funeral home services and advice  more... close row
$ 3000
May 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Package deal for funeral needs  more... close row
$ 11000
Mar 2008
Hollywood Hills, CA
Weekday funerals more affordable  more... close row
$ 4500
May 2008
Pine Bluff, AR
Everything included except obituary, plot, headstone, and clergy  more... close row
$ 9300
Feb 2008
Plainview, New York
Make funeral preparations in advance  more... close row
$ 7125
Jan 2008
Eden Prairi, MN
Very helpful staff at funeral home  more... close row
$ 1900
Aug 2006
Gadsen, AL
Creamation and memorial service  more... close row
$ 6150
Jan 2008
Athens ohio
Full service viewing and funeral  more... close row
$ 6500
Feb 2008
Southbridge MA
Funeral home had curt attitude  more... close row

Description of service

Burial services, cremation and calling hours

Total costs for the service was $6500, included one day for calling hours

Review of Service

The service was adequate, the funeral home seemed kind and helpful to begin with, but I found there attitude on the day of the funeral to be somewhat curt, to the point of bordering on rudeness. The home was recommended to my family, verbally, however the main reason to use this funeral home was, on the understanding that payment could be made over an agreed time period. however, after the funeral it seemed the funeral home started to demand prompt payments by phone and letter.

The above experience was not one of reflection on our loss, but became reflection on using a service that did not help the greaving process, it was more of an annoying distraction.


My advice to anyone needing this type of service, would be to spend more time exploring all your options available, cost is important yes, but avoid looking at the costs as a saving, and concentrate on the level of services provided and good attitudes, e.g sympathy, understanding, care for not only the deceased but for the relatives. Also make sure that you are looked after and not that the funeral service provider isn't just looking for a quick buck

$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
uimVqY <a href="http://maesryinvqif.com/">maesryinvqif</a&g  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
XuktaE <a href="http://uaialbgjcnpc.com/">uaialbgjcnpc</a&g  more... close row
$ 9800
Feb 2008
Plainview, Long Island, NY
Wake, Catholic funeral, and burial costs  more... close row