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the Price of Tae Kwon Do Classes

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$ 110
Dec 2006
Vestal, NY
Tae Kwon Do
Monthly fee for unlimited classes  more... close row
$ 85
Jun 2008
Fort Lewis, WA
Tae Kwon Do
One month of two hour-long classes per week  more... close row
$ 99
Jun 2008
Jacksonville, Florida
Tae Kwon Do
Great service for low price  more... close row

Description of service

I take Tae Kwon Do classes once a week for two hours, usually on saturdays, but we have competitions once a month on sunday, and that is also when we would graduate to a higher belt. I pay $99 a month for this service, which is a flat fee that includes just about everything execpt the clothing we wear. The belts we graduate to are included in the price as well.

Review of Service

The service is great. I get a great excersize every week while also learning something. The place I go to is really close to my home and work, so it is in a really convienient place. I was initially drawn in by the advertised price, $99 a month was plastered on their window so I really didn't have to show around to find a good price. I would say overal I get a great service at a really low price.


If you're wanting to learn a form of self defense you can't go wrong with Tae Kwon Do, but there are other disciplines out there that are just as good. Call around to differnt places to see what they offer. Also, try a few of them out to see what will fit your interest. Don't make a commitment until you are sure that discipline is what you like. You can also do research online for different places to go.

$ 150
Jun 2008
Hendersonville tn
Tae Kwon Do
Monthly fee for self and son to take classes   more... close row
$ 30
Mar 2007
Louisville, KY
Tae Kwon Do
Mixed-level Tae Kwon Do class  more... close row
$ 75
Jan 2008
Monticello, AR
tae kwon do
One month of 30 minute tae kwon do per week   more... close row
$ 125
Jan 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Tae Kwon Do
One month of beginning Tae Kwon Do  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
e2SgFw <a href="http://dcyyrrdasgfk.com/">dcyyrrdasgfk</a&g  more... close row
$ 50
Mar 2008
San Marino, CA
Practice is important in tae kwon do  more... close row
$ 70
Feb 2007
Tampa, FL
Tae Kwon Do
Price for one day a week of lessons  more... close row
$ 45
Feb 2008
strongsville, ohio
Good value for the price  more... close row