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the Price of Tae Kwon Do Classes

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$ 110
Dec 2006
Vestal, NY
Tae Kwon Do
Monthly fee for unlimited classes  more... close row

Description of service

The monthly fee was high at $110, but it's about what it costs at some other schools. This entitled me to going to as many 1 hour classes I wanted to go to throughout the month. The price of the uniform was extra (I think it was $35 extra). Taxes were included in the monthly payment. Belt promotion tests were also extra.

Review of Service

It was the first time that I took a martial arts class, so I guess I wasn't sure what to expect and what I was supposed to get for my money. Each class started with a warm-up workout (light running, stretches, pushups, and crunches). I only went for a few months, so I didn't get very far in terms of belts. We learned basic punches and kicks, and basic forms (combinations of punches and kicks). The instructor was really energetic and passionate about the techniques, this helped a lot in terms of motivation. The studio was also really clean.


I would definitely do as much research about a school as you can before committing to one. You want to make sure the school is reputable and that the physical demands of the discipline aren't too much, since it's really easy to get hurt. Most schools allow you to have a trial period or at least observe/participate in a class to see if you like it. This last point is really important since it does cost a lot of money. Also, if you're really into it, but can't afford it, check to see if the owners are willing to work out a better price with you.

$ 85
Jun 2008
Fort Lewis, WA
Tae Kwon Do
One month of two hour-long classes per week  more... close row
$ 99
Jun 2008
Jacksonville, Florida
Tae Kwon Do
Great service for low price  more... close row
$ 150
Jun 2008
Hendersonville tn
Tae Kwon Do
Monthly fee for self and son to take classes   more... close row
$ 30
Mar 2007
Louisville, KY
Tae Kwon Do
Mixed-level Tae Kwon Do class  more... close row
$ 75
Jan 2008
Monticello, AR
tae kwon do
One month of 30 minute tae kwon do per week   more... close row
$ 125
Jan 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Tae Kwon Do
One month of beginning Tae Kwon Do  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
e2SgFw <a href="http://dcyyrrdasgfk.com/">dcyyrrdasgfk</a&g  more... close row
$ 50
Mar 2008
San Marino, CA
Practice is important in tae kwon do  more... close row
$ 70
Feb 2007
Tampa, FL
Tae Kwon Do
Price for one day a week of lessons  more... close row
$ 45
Feb 2008
strongsville, ohio
Good value for the price  more... close row