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the Price of Tae Kwon Do for Kids

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$ 55
Oct 2007
Grand Forks, ND
Tae Kwon Do
Two daughters taking tae kwon do classes  more... close row
$ 99
Nov 2007
Rainbow City, AL
Tae Kwon Do
Trial period for kids classes  more... close row
$ 79
May 2008
North Canton, OH
tae kwon do
Seven weeks of beginning Tae Kwon Do classes for daughter  more... close row
$ 120
May 2008
Brighton, CO
Tae Kwon Do
Week long martial arts camp for children  more... close row
$ 89
Mar 2008
Garland, TX
Tae Kown Do
Monthly Tae Kwon Do lessons for child  more... close row
$ 125
Jun 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Tae Kwon Do
Monthly fee for nine year old son's lessons  more... close row
$ 149
Apr 2008
North Brunswick, NJ
Monthly cost of lessons for kids  more... close row
$ 20
Mar 2008
San Diego, CA
tae kwon do
One trial tae kwon do class  more... close row
$ 20
Sep 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Tae Kwon Do
Instructor good at working with children  more... close row
$ 210
Jun 2008
Ithaca, NY
Tae Kwon Do
Six weeks of tae kwon do lessons for young child  more... close row
$ 320
Aug 2007
San Diego, CA
Not satisfied with child's karate instruction  more... close row

Description of service

I enrolled my 12 year old kid for a 2 month long karate course during his vacations. The class was to be held on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. The duration of each class was to 1 hour. The cost of the complete course was $320 and the whole amount had to be paid in advance. These charges included the cost of the traditional while karate dress that was given to my child on the very first day.

Review of Service

Initially, the karate teacher took too much interest in the progress of the children but it vanished with time. Sometimes the class was finished in 40 minutes, instead of 1 hour. Also the course was completed in slightly less than 2 months. At the end of 2 months, their was not much that my kid had learnt except the very basic karate techniques.


Before enrolling your kid in any such karate class, make sure that the whole fee in not deposited in advance. At least 25% of the fee must be withheld and should be paid when at least 1 month is over (in case it is a 2 month course) only if you are completely satisfied.

Do keep a check on the progress of your child.