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the Price of Tae Kwon Do for Kids

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$ 55
Oct 2007
Grand Forks, ND
Tae Kwon Do
Two daughters taking tae kwon do classes  more... close row
$ 99
Nov 2007
Rainbow City, AL
Tae Kwon Do
Trial period for kids classes  more... close row
$ 79
May 2008
North Canton, OH
tae kwon do
Seven weeks of beginning Tae Kwon Do classes for daughter  more... close row
$ 120
May 2008
Brighton, CO
Tae Kwon Do
Week long martial arts camp for children  more... close row
$ 89
Mar 2008
Garland, TX
Tae Kown Do
Monthly Tae Kwon Do lessons for child  more... close row
$ 125
Jun 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Tae Kwon Do
Monthly fee for nine year old son's lessons  more... close row
$ 149
Apr 2008
North Brunswick, NJ
Monthly cost of lessons for kids  more... close row
$ 20
Mar 2008
San Diego, CA
tae kwon do
One trial tae kwon do class  more... close row
$ 20
Sep 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Tae Kwon Do
Instructor good at working with children  more... close row
$ 210
Jun 2008
Ithaca, NY
Tae Kwon Do
Six weeks of tae kwon do lessons for young child  more... close row

Description of service

I paid for 6 weeks of lessons, one lesson a week for my 6 year old daughter to learn Tae Kwon Do. The class was for 5 to 8 year olds and was on Saturday morning. The class was small, with 10 students one instructor and two helpers who were teen agers.

Each class lasted about an hour. The first few minutes was a exercise in balancing the mind, or meditation. The rest was active exercise.

Review of Service

The service was great. Parents were welcome to stay and watch and we did, sitting on bleachers a ways away so not to distract. The instructor was very good with kids and kept a nice balance between serious and playful. Our daughter really learned a lot, I think it helped her confidence and physical balance. The kids were excited to have an exhibition at the end of the six weeks and I think it was a nice touch.


Ask about additional expenses, like the uniform and if travel is involved. I am told in more advanced classes there are exhibitions in other parts of the state. Make sure your child's class mates are in the same age group or close, so they feel safe with the physical contact. Of course, always ask for references on the instructor and talk to other parents who know him or her before you leave your child with them.

$ 320
Aug 2007
San Diego, CA
Not satisfied with child's karate instruction  more... close row