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the Price of Painting Classes for Kids

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$ 25
Jul 2008
Huntington, WVA
painting classes
Painting class which helps son with feelings  more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Oil Painting Class
Oil painting class for kids held at a college   more... close row
$ 50
Aug 2007
Pine Bluff, AR
Painting classes for two children   more... close row

Description of service

A nearby town offered children's painting classes this past summer. For $50 ($25 for each child), my boys had a fun filled Saturday exploring the various types of painting that could be done. The class started with fingerpainting, and then progressed into watercolors. At the end of the day they were shown what paintings with acrylics and oils looked like, but they weren't able to try their hand at these. The $50 included all supplies and 2 paintings each that they were allowed to bring home to "frame".

Review of Service

After ensuring that my kids had on "play clothes" that wouldn't matter if they became stained, I sent my boys into a full day of fun. They enjoyed having the freedom to make a mess in the name of art, and I appreciated that they learned a little bit about the different mediums used for painting. This was a beginner, or introductory type class, with the ability for the children to progress up to using charcoal, ink, etc. They can also take advantage of different types of drawing classes (still life, landscape, etc.). Although the price is kind of expensive, I would have no qualms with my children taking different type classes in this same environment. They had a blast!


Check around with art galleries and museums to see if they offer any type of art program for children, especially during the summer months.

$ 35
Mar 2008
Green, OH
kids introductory
6 week painting class for daughter   more... close row
$ 35
May 2008
Ashland, Ky
painting classes
Painting ceramics lessons with daughter   more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2008
Cranston, Rhode Island
Weekly painting class for daughter  more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Weekly painting class for shy daughter  more... close row
$ 45
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
painting classes
Two months of a painting classs for daughter  more... close row
$ 150
Jul 2007
Painting classes during vacation  more... close row
$ 100
May 2008
Kansas City, MO
Painting Classes
Twice weekly painting class for daughter  more... close row
$ 45
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
Month long painting class for two children  more... close row