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the Price of Painting Classes for Kids

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$ 25
Jul 2008
Huntington, WVA
painting classes
Painting class which helps son with feelings  more... close row
$ 35
May 2008
Ashland, Ky
painting classes
Painting ceramics lessons with daughter   more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Oil Painting Class
Oil painting class for kids held at a college   more... close row
$ 50
Aug 2007
Pine Bluff, AR
Painting classes for two children   more... close row
$ 35
Mar 2008
Green, OH
kids introductory
6 week painting class for daughter   more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2008
Cranston, Rhode Island
Weekly painting class for daughter  more... close row

Description of service

This summer, my daughter expressed an interest in taking painting classes. I found a class in our area that met once a week with other children in her age group. I pay fifty dollars a week for the classes. The lessons last an hour and a half. While all the materials for the actual painting are included in the cost of the class, I did spend an additional twenty five dollars for some clothes for her to wear that I would not mind getting ruined. This brought the total one month cost of the lessons up to two hundred and twenty five dollars.

Review of Service

My daughter loves this class. While she is not becoming an expert painter, she is becoming more creative and imaginative. Her fine motor skills do seem to be improving. Most of all, she seems to really enjoy spending some time with children her own age.


Before committing to the class, I asked if my daughter and I could sit in for fifteen minutes while one of the classes was taking place. I would recommend that you do the same. It benefits you as you get to know the teachers and check out the environment. But, more importantly, it gives her a chance to spend time in the new environment with you there.

$ 45
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
painting classes
Two months of a painting classs for daughter  more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Weekly painting class for shy daughter  more... close row
$ 150
Jul 2007
Painting classes during vacation  more... close row
$ 100
May 2008
Kansas City, MO
Painting Classes
Twice weekly painting class for daughter  more... close row
$ 45
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
Month long painting class for two children  more... close row