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the Price of Painting Classes for Kids

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$ 25
Jul 2008
Huntington, WVA
painting classes
Painting class which helps son with feelings  more... close row
$ 35
May 2008
Ashland, Ky
painting classes
Painting ceramics lessons with daughter   more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Oil Painting Class
Oil painting class for kids held at a college   more... close row
$ 50
Aug 2007
Pine Bluff, AR
Painting classes for two children   more... close row
$ 35
Mar 2008
Green, OH
kids introductory
6 week painting class for daughter   more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2008
Cranston, Rhode Island
Weekly painting class for daughter  more... close row
$ 45
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
painting classes
Two months of a painting classs for daughter  more... close row

Description of service

I found a very nice center that was not to far from home. They offer a few different classes for children and one that I enrolled my two year old daughter in was painting class. For $45 she got to go for two months and I would take her every monday and thursday for a hour. She got to paint a lot of pictures and a bird house. They finger painted one day and then with their feet the next day. She got to make a elephant mask to hang in her room along with a lot of other things she made.

Review of Service

My daughter had a blast every time she got to go. She was not scared to go and she really liked her teachers. When she would go in to the class she did what all the other children did. She would help get out the paint and brushes and paper or whatever else they would have them get out. The teachers would listen to music as they had class and my daughter would dance and paint. A lot of the people in the center liked watching her paint. The teachers loved having her there.


Painting classes are a great way to let your child express how they feel or thoughts they might have. Try to let your child try different things. You will never know what your child is able to do unless you let them try it. You can find centers that offer classes in your local phone book or ask your local school.

$ 25
Jun 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Weekly painting class for shy daughter  more... close row
$ 150
Jul 2007
Painting classes during vacation  more... close row
$ 100
May 2008
Kansas City, MO
Painting Classes
Twice weekly painting class for daughter  more... close row
$ 45
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
Month long painting class for two children  more... close row