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the Price of Yellow Pages Advertising

Size of Ad 
Submitted by  
$ 45
Jan 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
3 lines, 1 column
Two printed lines of colored text  more... close row
$ 145
Feb 2008
syracuse NY
1/8 page
Check on your ad and make sure it is in the book  more... close row
$ 125
Jan 2006
Make sure advertiser is reputable  more... close row
$ 500
Jun 2008
Hastings, Florida
1/4 page
Quarter page ad brought results  more... close row

Description of service

When starting a business I called the local yellow pages for a price on an ad. I received a quote for a 1/4 page ad that included the name of the business, logo, telephone number, physical address and website address. The print was to be in bold letters and larger than the normal print in the smaller ads.

Review of Service

I was very pleased with the results received from the 1/4 page ad we placed in the local yellow pages. When we received a call we always asked how they heard of our business and if they typically used the yellow pages. It was quite an eye opener to find how many people look through the yellow pages to find a needed service. It was also important in this day and age to include our website address as many people are on their computers reviewing businesses.


I would include as much information as possible when placing an ad in the local yellow pages. The more contact information you can give, the better (i.e., phone, address and website address). I would also include a company logo that matched a logo on your business cards, letterhead, etc. so that it becomes associated with your business.

$ 500
Aug 2007
Akron, OH
1/4 page
Quarter page ad including a picture  more... close row
$ 850
Feb 2006
Tampa, FL
color, full-page
Chose an ad that was much too expensive  more... close row
$ 300
Apr 2008
Portland, OR
1/8 page
Great customer service with yellow pages  more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2008
Jasper, tx
Line listing
Black and white ad because of budget  more... close row
$ 665
Mar 2006
3/4 page
Bold text and business logo in ad  more... close row
$ 22
Jul 2008
Glen Rock, NJ
10 words
Small ten word ad in yellow pages  more... close row
$ 16
Jul 2008
Woodville, Tx
single line with bold print
Yellow pages ad lends validity to business  more... close row
$ 600
Apr 2007
New Edinburg, AR
1 column by 1 inch
One year of very small yellow pages ad  more... close row
$ 400
Jun 2008
Asheville, NC
1/8 page
Yellow Pages advertising salesman contacted me  more... close row
$ 875
Aug 2007
Indianapolis, IN
1/8th page
Ad did not reach target audience  more... close row
$ 32
Jul 2008
one line
Cheaper than the newspaper  more... close row
$ 50000
Nov 2007
Fort Myers, FL
half page
Yellow pages sales rep was not honest  more... close row