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the Price of Youth Soccer

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$ 27
Mar 2008
Brighton, CO
8 weeks
Soccer league perfect pace for young son  more... close row
$ 95
Feb 2008
Locust Grove,GA
7-8 year olds
season is 7 weeks
Eight games and registration for soccer team  more... close row
$ 80
Jan 2009
Mesa, AZ
5 - 7
10 weeks
Registration fee for son in youth soccer league  more... close row
$ 85
May 2008
Powell, OH
6-8 years old
8 games over 2 months
Youth soccer leage membership as birthday present  more... close row
$ 110
Sep 2008
Stanwood, WA
12-13 year olds
2 months
Teams stay with same coaches whenever possible  more... close row
$ 110
Feb 2009
Los Angeles, CA
3 months
Registered little sister for youth soccer  more... close row
$ 100
Mar 2008
Farmingdale, NY
12 weeks
Soccer team had three practices a week  more... close row
$ 200
Apr 2008
Lexington, KY
5 months
Soccer a great experience for shy son  more... close row

Description of service

My 12 year old son was involved in a youth soccer league. The cost of the league was $200. We also paid an additional $45 for two uniforms (home and away). This brought the total to $245.

Review of Service

This was really a great experience for our son. He'd always been fairly shy and not very active. His doctor had recommended giving a group sport a shot. Honestly, we didn't have a good feeling about it and didn't think he'd take to it.

However, the league was not built with competition in mind. They did play games against other teams, but it was a low pressure way for the kids to interact with each other and get some exercise. He ended up making many new friends and getting a chance to come out of his shell a bit. We were really surprised by how many other areas of his life it affected.


I have known many parents who don't sign their kids up for programs like this because they are shy. I would strongly encourage them to rethink this position, as it's often the shyest of kids who can benefit from a group activity like this. At least give it a shot and see if it works out.

$ 125
Sep 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
6-8 yrs. old
3 months
One season of soccer for six year old son  more... close row
$ 85
Feb 2008
5-6 year olds
8 games
First time soccer mom paid for youth soccer  more... close row
$ 37
Apr 2009
Brighton, CO
8 weeks
Soccer league a lot of fun for son  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
Age Group or Age Range
Length of Season
z3HcvS <a href="http://kfyrexborbcq.com/">kfyrexborbcq</a&g  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
Age Group or Age Range
Length of Season
jJf4q6 <a href="http://zzhbcatbcsuq.com/">zzhbcatbcsuq</a&g  more... close row