Description of service
I have had to use tutors for my son starting when he was 9 years old and he is now 11 and loves having his tutor come over. My son needed a tutor for his math and writing skills. Over the last 1 1/2 years, his writing skills have improved so much, he is confident enough that he does not need help with his writing, just his math. Believe me, I am not smarter than a 5th grader when it comes to math and we will probably be having tutors through high school because math seems much harder now than when I was in 5th grade. The very first tutor I got for him was through a company. I was overcharged for the services my son was provided. So I decided to use a high school student and loved it. I asked parents and staff at my son's school to see if they knew anybody in high school the tutored. I was really pleased on how responsible they were. My son learned much more from the high school tutor.
Review of Service
When I used a company, they sent me a person that did not really mesh with my child. I had to ask for someone else. They guaranteed improvement in his grades but his grades were still the same and there were more tears than smiles. I then decided to try using a high school student to tutor my son. I was not sure on who I could trust so I asked around at my son's school and was given names of reliable students they have used. I called and talked with the parents and met with the student first and let the student meet my son to see if they got along. I felt like I had made the right decision. My son's grades went up and the student was very reliable, on time and friendly.
If you are looking for a good and inexpensive tutor, I would check with friends or your child's school first. You can also call the local high schools to see if there are any students who do tutor. Meet the student first and have your child meet the student. That way you can get an idea on whether or not their personalities will be good for eachother. You can also do the same thing for college students as well.
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