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the Price of Retirement Planning Services

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$ 1400
Sep 2006
Dallas, TX
Found planner through work seminar  more... close row
$ 0
Jul 2006
Oakland, CA
Teacher's retirement planning  more... close row

Description of service

I met with a representative from a financial institution which serves the teachers union that I was working for. This person was very aggressive about meeting with me and it was honestly just easier to meet with her than keep putting her off! But really, I had wanted to start planning for retirement because I've seen my parents forget to do that and it's pretty scary.

Review of Service

The woman was helpful. She told me about the different options I had for retirement savings and which funds were high growth, low growth (safe) and socially responsible. I put my money in half medium growth and half socially responsible because I want to be socially responsible but not at the expense of having money to live on when I am old! Later when I was having trouble paying off my student loans, I changed the amount taken out of my paycheck each month and she was helpful with that too. She was pretty annoying at the beginning but after that was great.


Make sure you remember to save for retirement! My parents didn't do it and it has really screwed them up. It is much better to go without a little right now and have money when you're old. Get someone who will help you and preferably someone who can help you even if you switch jobs, like I did.

$ 20
Mar 2008
Syracuse, NY
Retirement planning over the phone  more... close row
$ 0
Mar 2006
Boca Raton, FL
Job offered a complimentary consultation for retirement  more... close row
$ 750
Feb 2007
San Diego, CA
Financial advice upon retirement  more... close row
$ 100
Jun 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
Financial planner gave whole range of options  more... close row
$ 450
May 2006
Little Rock, AR
Next step in retirement planning  more... close row
$ 300
Jun 2007
Cleveland, OH
Should be able to get this type of service for free  more... close row
$ 0
May 2008
San Francisco CA
Bank provided free financial planning services for customers  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2007
San Diego, CA
Free consultation when opening 401(k)  more... close row
$ 100
Apr 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Service not worth quite this much  more... close row
$ 500
Apr 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Wanted to improve credit and plan for retirement  more... close row