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the Cost of Maintenance for Road Bikes

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$ 150
Feb 2008
Tempe, AZ
high-end racing bike
Preseason tune-up and replacement parts  more... close row
$ 26
Dec 2007
Seattle, WA
Novarra '06 flat-bar road bike; 24 speeds, 700mm x 23 slick tires
Installing new fenders at the local shop  more... close row
$ 72
Apr 2008
Burlington, MA
24 speed Road Bike
Annual spring tune up  more... close row
$ 12
Aug 2007
Flagstaff, AZ
Cannondale R2000, two and a half years old
Wheel truing on road bike went well  more... close row
$ 67
Oct 2007
Seattle, WA
Novarra '06 flat-bar road bike; 24 speeds, 700mm x 23 slick tires
90 minute bike fitting  more... close row
$ 75
Oct 2007
Phoenix, Az
Selvino 990
Yearly bike tuneup preventative maintenance  more... close row

Description of service

Had my yearly bike tuneup. My local bike shop suggest that the tuneup be every six months. I only use my bike on weekends so I use the service once per year. It consist of overall preventive mainentance.

Review of Service

I have tried this service for several years. It is a complete bicycle tuneup for geared bikes. The cost of the service is $75.00. and typically takes a couple of hours to complete. It consist of front and rear brake adjustments. Tire condition and inflations checks. Crank arm, spoke and wheel truing assessments. The also oil the ball bearing, chain and sprocket assembly. It is a vary comprehensive servicing. Any repairs or additional parts are extra. It seems that yearly I need a new set of tires so I usually use the tuneup as an opportunity to buy some new tires. The bike mechanic was very informative and courteous. I left the bike at the shop and returned 4 hours later to pick it up.


Be aware of the overall condition of your bike before taking it in so that there are no surprises. Tuneups are a great opportunity to get things repaired by an trained professional. Look for coupons in local circulars for discounts on this service.

$ 40
Oct 2007
Marietta, Ohio
Bridgestone 100th Anniversary Road Bike
25 point inspection for road bike  more... close row
$ 40
Oct 2007
Minneapolis, MN
pugeot 21 speed
Replaced chain on bike  more... close row
$ 32
Mar 2008
Fuji Supreme, 1974
New rear wheel installed  more... close row