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the Price of Cake Decorating Classes

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$ 1200
Feb 2008
Chicago, IL
Cake decorating class
Eight week cake decorating class  more... close row
$ 31
Feb 2008
Hudson, OH
Cake Decorating Class
Cake decorating class loads of fun  more... close row
$ 25
Sep 2006
Stockton, California
Cake decorating class
Four session cake decorating class  more... close row
$ 31
Feb 2008
Hudson, OH
Wilton Cake Class, Beginner Class 1
For classes from very knowledgeable instructor  more... close row
$ 45
May 2008
Chicago, IL
Cake Decorating
2 hour cake decorating class at a local bakery  more... close row
$ 25
May 2006
Columbus, Oh
cake decorating class
Supplies cost more than the class  more... close row
$ 45
Sep 2007
Brighton, CO
Fun cakes, special designs
Cake decorating for different specialty cakes  more... close row
$ 80
Aug 2008
Asheville, NC
Cake Decorating Classes
Cake decorating classes held once a week  more... close row
$ 35
Jun 2008
Oswego, NY
cake decorating
Three hour cake decorating class at a craft store  more... close row
$ 20
Jun 2008
cleveland, ohio
cake decorating class
Class taught by a baker and cake decorator  more... close row

Description of service

I had always had an interest in learning how to decorate all the cakes that I had baked because it would save a lot of money when it came to birthdays and special events. Instead of paying nearly 50.00 per cake just for the decorations, I found a cake decorating class that met twice a month for the price of 20.00 for each class. What was provided were already baked cakes as well as icing ingredients, food coloring, different edible and asthetically pleasing adornments for the cakes, and icing piping bags. Each of these things were available for each class where we were taught on a different theme each two weeks. They had birthday cake day, wedding day, shower day, anniversary and special events which was a month long class. The price was very reasonable in comparison to purchasing store bought cakes.

Review of Service

I really enjoyed the class a lot. the teacher was a regular baker that worked in the store that was teaching the class. He was very patient adn took his time to be sure that each person had mastered the task at hand. The only issue that I have is that the classes were only one hour long and they could have easily doubled that.


Find a bakery near your house. A lot of the mom and pop bakeries offer cake decorating classes but do not have the money to advertise in the big papers.