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the Price of Tattoos

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$ 85
Apr 2006
Portland, Oregon
Personalized art instead of flashy design  more... close row
$ 155
Feb 2008
Bellingham, WA
3" x 6"
Upper arm tattoo placement of my own custom artwork  more... close row
$ 75
Feb 2007
Big Rapids, Michigan
2 inches by 3 inches
lower back
Clean and professional tattoo parlor for small tattoo  more... close row

Description of service

The fee of $75 covered the cost of a black tattoo approximately 2 inches by 3 inches on my lower back. The tattoo was a homemade design, and the tattoo artist had to redraw this to my specifications. The fee also covers lifetime maintenance of the tattoo and any touch ups necessary. This fee did not cover a tip.

Review of Service

The tattoo artist was very professional and worked together with me on redrawing my design until we had something he was confident he could do well and that I approved of. The tattoo parlor I went to was clean, and all the artists I saw washed their hands often and wore latex gloves. All needles I saw were new and in unopened packages.


Look into different tattoo parlors and ask for recommendations from others who have gotten tattoos in the area. You will want to tour the parlor before you pay for service to make sure the facility is clean and you are comfortable with the person you will be working with. Make sure you are 100% confident about the design before you start, as you don't want a permanent tattoo that you are even slightly unhappy with. If you notice any area that does not look right to you tell the tattoo artist immediately and get it fixed right then.

$ 60
Apr 2008
Austin, Texas
2" x 4"
First tattoo will need to be touched up eventually  more... close row
$ 150
Jan 2007
Bensalem, PA
(4) 2 1/2 inch letters
right side of rib cage
Roman numeral 13 tattooed on ribcage  more... close row
$ 75
Mar 2006
Louisville, Ky
3 inches high, 2 inches wide
Right front forearm
Reasonable quality tattoo  more... close row
$ 120
Feb 2006
Salem , CT
Large calf, aprox 7" x 5"
Right Calf
Tattoo discounted because agreement to be in portfolio  more... close row
$ 200
Mar 2007
Chandler, AZ
4 inches
right arm
Self designed inkless tattoo  more... close row
$ 100
Aug 2007
Farmington, Maine
5 Inches
Top RIght Sholder
Walk in tatooing service  more... close row
$ 50
Apr 2008
The right tattoo exists for everyone  more... close row
$ 60
May 2006
La Crosse, WI
Small black butterfly tattoo on special  more... close row
$ 300
Sep 2007
Orlando, FL
Expensive but worth it  more... close row
$ 60
Aug 2007
Hickory, NC
About two inches wide and across
On my shoulder
Get an estimate in advance  more... close row