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the Price of Pay by the Minute Prepaid Cell Phone Plans

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$ 20
Aug 2006
Van Wert, Ohio
No-contract cell phone with 30 initial minutes  more... close row
$ 100
Aug 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Prepaid cell plan   more... close row
$ 20
Apr 2008
Clarksburg, WV
18 Cents per minute prepaid  more... close row
$ 30
Mar 2008
Fargo, ND
Phone and 300 prepaid minutes  more... close row
$ 45
Feb 2008
Fall River, MA
Phone and 60 prepaid minutes  more... close row
$ 1
Apr 2008
Ashland, Ky
Daily rate for moblie access  more... close row

Description of service

My carrier charges me by the minute. I pay $1.00 a day for access. If I dont use the phone that day, I don't get charged. After the $1 fee, I pay .10 a minute to anywhere in the United States. Plus, I get free mobile to mobile calling, which means I can call anyone on my carrier's network for free.

Review of Service

This is great for me as I can add $25.00 to my account and choose when to use it or not. If I dont use the phone, I'm not charged. They also had another plan that was a flat .25 a minute, but that seemed to be too pricey to me. I have a lot of friends on my carrier's network so all I usually pay is the $1.00 fee and all of my calls are free, so my $25 dollars usually lasts me for over a month (I dont use my cellular phone every day).


Ask your cellular dealer what the best deals are. Some service may not be offered in different areas, so make sure you are educated with your decision. The sales people will know what the most popular service is and are always happy to help.

$ 150
Jan 2008
Augusta, GA
Prepaid wireless service  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
SDA6m8 <a href="http://rriuchdkmvnd.com/">rriuchdkmvnd</a&g  more... close row
$ 80
Jan 2008
Acton, Maine
Prepaid subscription for double minutes  more... close row
$ 20
Apr 2008
Newark, Delaware
Cheap prepaid mobile minutes  more... close row
$ 20
Mar 2008
Athens ohio
Prepaid mobile using cards purchased in stores  more... close row