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the Price of Aerobics Classes

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$ 75
Mar 2009
Farmingdale, NY
Ten session aerobics series was not a stress reducer  more... close row
$ 5
Apr 2009
Littleton, CO
Aerobics class geared mostly to women  more... close row
$ 40
Mar 2009
Frankfort, KY
unlimited per month
Unlimited aerobics classes at health club  more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2008
Valencia, CA
Price for one step dance class  more... close row
$ 75
Jan 2009
Anniston, Alabama
Month of two classes per week  more... close row
$ 20
Mar 2008
Portland, OR
1 Class
One time aerobics class with day pass for gym  more... close row
$ 20
Jan 2007
Stanwood, WA
The price of two aerobics classes at a health club  more... close row
$ 95
May 2008
Duluth, GA
Month's worth of aerobics classes  more... close row
$ 160
Feb 2009
Series of ten aerobics classes  more... close row
$ 15
Feb 2009
Clinton, MO
Early morning aerobics class  more... close row

Description of service

The classes were held at the local community center and offered by an instructor who was employed by an organization. The fee for classes went towards reserving space in which to have class and extra wage for the instructor. Classes were three times a week at six AM, and consisted of about twenty people. A variety of exercises were used, including some with light weights and exercise balls, both of which were provided by the organization.

Review of Service

Although the class was a little bit early for my liking and didn't run very long, it was a lot of fun. The instructor made it easy to follow what we were doing and kept up the energy, and was good at involving the students so we didn't feel like we were just watching and imitating. The environment was pretty good for the purpose, but not the best - I think the place we were having classes in was supposed to be used for karate or dance, because there were mirrors on the walls - not the best for stretching on.


Contact your city or community and ask! If at all possible, find out where your lessons will be - you want to be dressed appropriately. i.e. be more covered if it's cold or if you don't want your body on display to an entire gym.