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the Price of Aerobics Classes

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$ 75
Mar 2009
Farmingdale, NY
Ten session aerobics series was not a stress reducer  more... close row
$ 5
Apr 2009
Littleton, CO
Aerobics class geared mostly to women  more... close row
$ 40
Mar 2009
Frankfort, KY
unlimited per month
Unlimited aerobics classes at health club  more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2008
Valencia, CA
Price for one step dance class  more... close row

Description of service

I wanted to take a step dance class and was able to take it by paying onlly $25 for the first class. I got 2 hours of intense workout with an incredibly experienced and high tempo instructor. She had on fast dance music and really was into the workout. She had been trained so she made sure that we followed her. I got an excellent workout and it was fund which was what I was looking for. I wanted something that I would feel like I was getting a good workout without feeling like it was being really like I was working out. There were only about 15 other people who were in the class which was nice that it wasn't too full.

Review of Service

The workout dance class was really fun and the instructor had great knowledge about getting the stretches in adn getting our bodies fully worked out and sore. I definitely would do it again but it was a bit expensive and I would only do it because I wanted to give me motivation to start working out again.


Go and find a way to try the class without paying for it first that way you don't waste money on something that isn't really all that expensive. You should first go try to enjoy the class.

$ 75
Jan 2009
Anniston, Alabama
Month of two classes per week  more... close row
$ 20
Mar 2008
Portland, OR
1 Class
One time aerobics class with day pass for gym  more... close row
$ 20
Jan 2007
Stanwood, WA
The price of two aerobics classes at a health club  more... close row
$ 95
May 2008
Duluth, GA
Month's worth of aerobics classes  more... close row
$ 160
Feb 2009
Series of ten aerobics classes  more... close row
$ 15
Feb 2009
Clinton, MO
Early morning aerobics class  more... close row