Description of service
I have always been bothered by this one very long black hair that grows out of my chin. I call it my cat hair to joke about it, but it really bothers me and I pluck it constantly. I decided to try electrolysis to see if I could just get rid of it forever. I chose the shortest package available because it cost the least and I did not want to waist my money if it turned out to be something that I did not like or did not work or whatever. The $30.00 fee got me 15 minutes of actual treatment. It did not work in just the one session, but I never went back because it just hurt too much. It felt horrible and was very uncomfortable.
Review of Service
I would not recommend this service to anyone. My best friend has been having it done for years for her massive amounts of facial hair, but luckily I just have a few stray hairs here and there that I either pluck or trim with scissors. I tried it because my friend recommended it saying it wasn't that bad. I guess my pain tolerance is lower than hers, because I thought it was horrible and not worth the pain. The doctor was nice and very understanding and kept apologizing when I would grunt or say "ouch." Just not for me.
Know that it is going to hurt or at least be uncomfortable depending on your pain threshold. Definitely do not pay for a lot of time and then find out you hate it. Its a try it and then go from there procedure. Also know that most hair folicles can't be killed in one session. My best friend has been doing this for years and is still not done.
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