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the Price of LASIK Surgery

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$ 1800
May 2007
Valdosta, GA
Lasik performed for astigmatism  more... close row
$ 4000
Jun 2006
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
lasik eye surgery
Ended up with better than 20/20 vision  more... close row

Description of service

I paid the amount of $4000 to have lasik eye surgery to improve my vision. This cost covered the initial consultation, the surgery of both eyes, and any follow-up visits that I needed.

Review of Service

The $4000 that I paid was well worth every penny. Although, I have heard that the cost of Lasik eye surgery has gone down significantly within the past year or so. In the initial consultation with the eye doctor, he told me exactly what I would have done. He even sent me home with a video explaining the procedure. I went in to his office two day later for the surgery. It was so fast and painless. I was a little nervous about having it done, but now I have better than 20/20 vision. I'm so excited because I no longer have to wear my contacts or glasses.


This procedure is definitely worth the money. I would suggest that you find somebody who has had lasik surgery done so that they can recommend a good doctor for you to go to. You can also comparison shop, because you can really get it done for about 1/2 of what I paid to have my done these days.

$ 6000
May 2007
Scottsdale, AZ
binocular vision correction
Wavefront laser eye reshaping surgery  more... close row
$ 3000
Feb 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Doctor explained details carefully  more... close row
$ 4000
Sep 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
Lasik Eye Surgery
LASIK eye surgery on both eyes  more... close row
$ 2000
Mar 2007
San Diego, CA
Doctor had poor bedside manner  more... close row
$ 5000
Mar 2008
Lexington, KY
Lasik Eye Surgery
Laser eye surgery is pain free  more... close row
$ 3300
Sep 2007
Memphis. Tennessee
Lasik Eye Procedure
Painless surgery in both eyes  more... close row
$ 2400
May 2008
Bedford, PA
Lasik Eye Surgery
Price for both eyes laser vision correction  more... close row
$ 500
Feb 2008
Miami, Florida
Lasik Eye Surgery
Can see perfectly after laser eye surgery  more... close row
$ 2500
Nov 2007
Little Rock, AR
Recovery from eye surgery quite boring  more... close row
$ 1200
Oct 2008
Granger, IN
LASIK surgery on both eyes  more... close row
$ 1242
May 2008
morrisville PA
laser eye surgery
Laser eye surgery changed my life  more... close row