Description of service
We paid $125 a week for after school daycare. There was a certified teacher on staff. This price included pick up from school and dinner, as the program was an extended program from 2:30 to 7:00 pm.
Review of Service
At first we thought this was really expensive, as it was more than we were used to paying. However, there were several things that made it worth the extra money. First was the certified teacher on staff. She was a huge asset in helping our daughter with her school work. Second was the extended hours. Our old daycare only went until 6:30. We were usually there to pick her up at 6:15 or so but on the occassions we were late, we paid a lot in late fees. So the extra half an hour buffer really saved us some money in the long run. It was also great that a healthy well-balanced meal was included. We prefer to eat dinner together as a family but most days that's just not a possibility. This daycare was great because we'd call twice a week or so and say that they didn't need to feed her dinner as we'd be home in time to eat with her. They were always nice about it even though I'm sure they'd already begun preparing the food as though she would be eating.
Finding a program with extended hours is worth the extra money you'll save by not having to pay fees when you have to be late. If your child is fed meals make sure you know they're healthy.
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