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the Price of an Oil Change for a Scooter

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$ 12
Mar 2009
San Diego. Callifornia
Piaggio BV500
Oil change part of routine maintenance  more... close row
$ 5
May 2009
Buffalo, NY
Four stroke engines need regular oil changes  more... close row
$ 25
Mar 2009
Marysville, OH
Honda Metropolitan
Home pick-up service for scooter oil change  more... close row
$ 5
Feb 2009
Los Angeles, California
Vespa ET4
Professional oil changes are best for Vespa  more... close row
$ 22
Jan 2009
San Diego, CA
Genuine Buddy
Oil change and cleaning of scooter  more... close row
$ 11
Feb 2009
Roadrunner 50cc
Ten minute oil change  more... close row
$ 25
Aug 2008
San Diego, CA
Vespa gts 250
Fast oil change for scooter  more... close row
$ 20
Apr 2009
Lilburn, GA
Baron 150R
Very fast oil change  more... close row
$ 20
Jun 2008
Louisville, KY
Vespa GTS 250
Easy oil change on Vespa  more... close row
$ 45
Jan 2009
San Diego, CA
Vespa GTS 250
Overly expensive scooter oil change  more... close row
$ 25
Sep 2008
Syracuse, NY
Daelim S2-250
Oil change with low oil in scooter  more... close row

Description of service

My scooter has been troubling me, it was making jerks while driving. It was the oil that was pretty low and causing trouble so i thought i would do it myself saving some bucks but then one of mt friends said that changing your oil sounds simple enough, but even so called "Experts" can goof it up. He cited his example so i went to a garage and got it changed. Oil costs me $20 and rest was changing charges.

Review of Service

The service was fast and quick and result was evident as the sound and the jerks went off completely. The mechanic knows it's task pretty well. He ran the engine just to make the oil warm enough to take it out and then checked the level of oil carefully while poring in the new one. Oil is the life of the scooter and without it engine will die in a week so make sure you never drive your vehicle without oil and also don't compromise on the quality of oil and but genuine and prescribed oil for your scooter as its worth the cost.


1. If you want to keep your engine going, change your oil often.

2. It's best to drain the oil when the engine is good and hot.

3. If you put too little oil in, you blow up your engine, so you had best be accurate in the amount that goes in.

4. If you are doing it by yourself then do make sure that you are wearing proper safety equipments and also do take good care while emptying and handling the old oil as it may burn your skin.

$ 20
Feb 2009
San Diego, CA
vespa gts 250
Very good service for scooter oil change  more... close row
$ 14
Jun 2009
Tempe, AZ
Yamaha Vino 125
Oil change for charity turned ugly  more... close row
$ 25
Oct 2009
San Diego, CA
Vespa GTS 250
Mechanic seemed to use a low-quality oil  more... close row