Description of service
$600 per month is for a family of 4 to keep health insurance at the same tier of benefits provided at time of job loss.
Review of Service
My husband lost his job last January, so we were graciously offered COBRA in order to keep our insurance benefits. What a joke! We thought insurance for 4 at $80 per week (at a $10 per hour job) was high. How on earth do people that have lost a job afford $600 per month? I understand that for some people with pre-existing conditions this may be a necessity until a new policy can kick in. For us, without any chronic conditions, it was not.
Although we decided to "wing it" insurance wise until my husband's insurance at his new job kicked in, we did browse the internet for insurance providers in our state. There ARE some affordable plans for individuals and families if COBRA is too high. Most big name health insurance companies also offer benefits to the self employed. These are the benefits you should seek out if you cannot afford COBRA. Another suggestion is that if you or your spouse lost their job, perhaps a state run medical program can fill in the gaps until you get back on your feet. Your taxes paid in to these programs, don't feel ashamed to use them when your financial situation takes a nosedive!
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