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the Price of Chair Massages

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$ 15
Feb 2008
San Luis Obispo, California
15 minute massage in grocery store  more... close row
$ 18
Dec 2007
Valparaiso, IN
20 minute chair massage is relaxing and energizing  more... close row
$ 20
Jan 2008
Providence, Rhode Island
One hour chair massage at a busy mall  more... close row
$ 5
Jan 2008
Cherry Hill, NJ
Quick shoulder massage in a chair  more... close row
$ 30
Mar 2008
Indianpolis, IN
Massage made rest of day really easy  more... close row
$ 20
Apr 2008
Liberty, TX
20 minute massages for Administrative Professional's Day  more... close row
$ 1
Dec 2007
Jacksonville, FL
A dollar a minute for chair massage  more... close row
$ 12
Jun 2008
Brighton, MI
15 minutes on a vibrating and heated chair  more... close row
$ 10
Nov 2007
Columbus, Ohio
Students still learning to give massages  more... close row

Description of service

Every secon

thursday of the month, the local massage school gives free fifteen minute massages to help teach the students how to give a massage. The school charges nothing for the message, but I tipped the student $10 for her time and effort.

Review of Service

I wouldn't normally let a not-yet-fully trained measage therapist touch my back, but I was in the right place at the right time and was talked into it. I wouldn't say that it was a bad massage, but you could tell that the girl doing it was new and really wasn't sure of what she was doing. The massage didn't hurt, it actually felt good, but it was far from the best I have had. I would say it was perfect for the price.


Lots of massage schools let their students give out free massages on a weekly or monthly basis. It really is the best way for them to learn how to get good at giving a massage. Check online, or look in your local phone book for a massage school and give them a call to see if they offer anything. Most of the time these schools don't advertise so you'll never know if you don't call and ask.

$ 20
Jan 2008
Seattle, WA
Chair massage great during airport layover  more... close row
$ 1
Jun 2008
Rome, GA
Automated chair massage  more... close row