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the Cost of Temporary Retail Employees

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$ 250
Feb 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Huge influx of business caused need for temp retail worker  more... close row
$ 400
Sep 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Two student employees hired for back to school rush  more... close row
$ 17
Dec 2006
Tampa, FL
retail store
Temp agency made life a lot easier  more... close row
$ 12
Feb 2008
Pines, FL
Per hour wage for temporary retail employee  more... close row
$ 9
Nov 2006
Brooklyn, NY
Retail sales
Part time holiday help for electronics store  more... close row
$ 500
Feb 2007
San Diego, CA
Temporary employee to do inventory  more... close row
$ 80
Dec 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Retail temps help with busy holiday season  more... close row
$ 13
Aug 2006
Lincolnton, NC
Retail Sales/ Manufacturing
Young entrepreneur hiring temp workers  more... close row
$ 100
Nov 2007
San Diego, CA
Temp employee to organize books  more... close row
$ 8
Jun 2007
Tampa, FL
small retail store
Students work as temporary employees during holidays  more... close row

Description of service

I have a small retail shop and most of the time I get along just fine. I have temporary help that I hire during the Christmas season, but once in a while I need a little extra help. Most of the time it's because I have received a big shipment, late, and it's for a holiday or event that needs to be displayed immediately. I used to call the temp agency I use during the Christmas holiday, but sometimes it takes them too long to get me somebody.

So, I contacted the local high school and they have an sign-up sheet in the school's office for students that are looking for ANY kind of job because jobs are so hard to come by. I ususally need them for about four or five hours a couple of times a month.

Review of Service

I couldn't be happier with this arrangement. The students are happy to have any work and most of them can walk from school to my store and then I take them home because it's usually after 9 p.m. or their parents pick them up. I have tried to use them during the Christmas holidays, but they are usually too busy with winter break projects at school and with family commitments to work the number of hours I need them.


Rather than using ads in the paper, try and find people you know or people you can easily check on. The high school is a great source because there is a review process before the students can be allowed to sign-up for this work project.

$ 11
Mar 2008
San Francisco, CA
clothing store manager
Temporary cashier for store  more... close row
$ 10
Jun 2008
Pasadena, CA
Clothing Retail
Nothing good came of temp retail employees  more... close row