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the Price of Eye Surgery

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$ 15000
Jan 2006
st paul, mn
Double Lazy Eye Surgery
Lazy eye surgery  more... close row
$ 3347
Mar 2009
Tempe, AZ
fixing a lazy eye
Surgery for daughter's lazy eye  more... close row

Description of service

The service was elective eye surgery for my daughter to correct her lazy eye. The price included the initial consultation, surgery, and followup visit. It did not include the cost of the antibiotics and steroid eye drops that the doctor prescribed to prevent infection and get her eye to heal faster.

The doc also does a variety of eye surgeries including cornea transplants and Lasik. Prices vary depending on the time and difficulty of the operation, but "thousands" to "tens of thousands" isn't unprecedented.

Since it was "elective" and dealt with an existing condition, the procedure wasn't covered by the insurance I had through work.

Review of Service

What I got from the eye surgeon was that the operation involved shortening the connecting ligaments for a couple muscles in my daughter's eye. She was nervous since she had watched a video of the procedure on the internet, but anxious to get rid of the thick prismatic glasses she'd been wearing since she was four. She didn't get teased for it at school or anything, but the glasses gave her headaches even though they let her see.

The surgery took a couple hours and we got her an eye patch with a skull and crossbones for her to wear at school for the week or so it took for her eye to heal enough that the bandages could stay off.


Once the surgery is done, use the meds as prescribed. My daughter did and the surgeon said he'd never seen anyone's eye heal better or faster.

$ 1500
Mar 2008
Leesburg, FL
Laser eye surgery
Laser eye surgery for retinal tear  more... close row
$ 900
Aug 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
eye surgery
Surgery and follow-up visits for daughter's lazy eye  more... close row
$ 7750
Nov 2008
Shreveport, LA
Eye Strabismus Correction
Corrective surgery for strabismus   more... close row
$ 1600
Jun 2007
Fort Worth, TX
Amblyopia corrective surgery
Lazy eye surgery on both eyes  more... close row
$ 5100
Jul 2009
San Diego, CA
Amblyopia Correction Surgery
Lazy eye surgery for son  more... close row
$ 2200
Oct 2007
San Francisco, CA
surgery for watery eyes
Laser surgery for watery eyes  more... close row
$ 3000
Jun 2006
Fort Worth, Texas
eye surgery
Daughter's lazy eye surgery  more... close row
$ 2400
Jun 2008
Louisville, KY
Eye surgery
Surgery for burst blood vessels in eye  more... close row