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the Price of Swing Dance Lessons

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$ 50
Jun 2008
Ithaca, NY
swing dance lessons
Five week swing dancing class  more... close row
$ 20
Nov 2008
San Francisco, CA
Single "taster" swing dance lesson
Single swing dance lesson for two people  more... close row
$ 20
Jan 2009
Charleston, SC
Swing Dance Lessons
Small group swing dance lesson  more... close row
$ 40
Nov 2008
Oakland, CA
Swing Dance Lessons (series of 4)
Swing-style instruction for four weeks  more... close row
$ 60
Mar 2008
Swing Dancing
Beginning swing dancing class included history  more... close row
$ 40
Nov 2008
Mesa, AZ
Swing dance introductory special  more... close row
$ 65
Aug 2008
Los Angeles CA
Swing Dance Lessons
Balboa swing dance lessons  more... close row
$ 40
Mar 2008
Pasadena, CA
Swing Dance Lessons
Each lesson lasted sixty Minutes. We started with swing  more... close row
$ 90
Sep 2008
Denver, CO
West Coast Swing
Swing dance lessons for students of all skill levels  more... close row

Description of service

Dance lessons for students of all ages and all skill levels, including all different types of swing dance lessons and other types of dance. We took a west coast swing class.

Review of Service

I loved this class. My husband and I decided on a whim to take swing dance lessons after watching some great dancers on television. While we are still nowhere near a competition skill level, we had a great time in this class. The instructor was patient, even with my husband's two left feet, and encouraged us to keep trying when we were sore, battered, and bruised. We both ended up enjoying ourselves so much, and getting a great workout in the process, that we decided to further our swing dance lessons in the spring when there is a bit more advanced class being taught. I highly recommend swing dance lessons to anybody who wants to cut loose and have a great time--not to mention you can sure gain an audience and clear a dance floor when you are swinging around the floor!


Take ibuprofen before class, wear comfortable clothing, and stretch well before you start. It is harder than it looks, and even if you think you are in decent shape, you may be surprised at how fast the tempo of swing dancing really is.

$ 45
Aug 2007
Phoenix, AZ
west coast swing
Introductory West coast swing class at community college  more... close row