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the Price of Personal Injury Lawyers

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$ 1500
Mar 2008
Chicago, IL
Fraud lawyer after a car accident  more... close row
$ 9400
Jun 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Lawyer recovering expenses after car accident  more... close row
$ 70000
Jan 2008
Raleigh, NC
Personal injury attorney  more... close row
$ 5000
Sep 2006
Paradise Valley, AZ
Attorney did not seem to look out for client's best interest  more... close row

Description of service

I had been in a car accident and had really hurt my back. I was hit from behind at a fairly high speed. I kept going to an orthopedic doctor for many months. The other driver was at fault and his insurance company acknowledged this. My bills were growing, so I decided to see a lawyer who specialized in persoanl injury. He felt that I was really hurt and needed to keep going to the doctor, getting treatments and staying on all the different medicines that were prescribed to me. The attorney felt that we could get a good settlement from his insurance. After several months, my attorney attempted to settle the case, but the insurance company decided not to offer one and instead we were going to go to court. Not what I expected! I had to settle for $15,000.00 instead of a much larger amount.

Review of Service

I feel that my attorney did not look out for my best interest. He kept telling me that we should accept the small settlement that they finally offered, which was $15,000. He said if we went to court we could lose. He kept telling me that so, of course, I was affraid to take a chance. I knew that I should have received a much larger settlement, but without the confidence of my attorney, what could I do?


Make sure that you pick the right attorney. I thought that this one was good, but at the end, he was pretty bad. I don't feel that he represented my interests, just his own and wanted to settle this case right now. Ask for some references and talk to those people before agreeing to anything. I wound up with only $10,000 after paying my attorney $5,000.00.

$ 2100
Feb 2007
Arlington, TX
Personal injury lawyer when rear ended  more... close row
$ 0
Jun 2007
Clearwater, FL
Lawyer helped after bike accident  more... close row
$ 4000
Dec 2006
Hickory, NC
Believed advertisements and got ripped off  more... close row
$ 5000
Oct 2006
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Lawyer was neither honest nor helpful  more... close row
$ 890
Jan 2007
Madison, TN
Lawyer never stopped trying  more... close row
$ 0
Jul 2007
Tampa, FL
Bad experience with injury lawyer  more... close row
$ 1300
Mar 2007
Ashland, KY
Injured in a car accident  more... close row